Enova to provide funding for NH3-fuelled coaster orders


Source: Skarv Shipping

Skarv Shipping, a joint venture between Peak Group and Grieg Edge, has been awarded NOK130 million grant from Enova towards the cost of acquiring three low-emission cargo ships. 

The grant will allow Skarv Shipping, a group that was established in late 2022, to move ahead with agreeing firm commercial agreements with our clients and initiating the contracting and construction of the ships, Jan Øivind Svardal, CEO of Skarv Shipping Solutions commented.

Skarv Shippiong plans to place an order for ammonia-fuelled 4,000 dwt bulk carriers, which are expected to operate in short-haul shipping along the Norwegian coast, from northern Norway and south to the Oslo Fjord.

The project is noteworthy as the vessels are likely to be powered by Wärtsilä’s ammonia engine, making the vessels one of the world’s first to be powered by four-stroke ammonia engines.

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