GCMD selects concept study for LCO2 offloading


Source: LR

The Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonisation (GCMD) has selected a proposal for a concept study on offloading liquefied CO2 (LCO2) captured onboard ships for further development from a shortlist of submissions from classification societies and engineering consultants. The winning proposal was submitted by Lloyd’s Register, supported by its partner Arup, in response to an Invitation-for-Proposal issued in December 2022.

In response to the IFP, a total of six proposals were received. In addition to internal evaluators, GCMD solicited the input and assessment of three external evaluators, all of whom are industry veterans with extensive domain expertise.

LR notes the study will commence in April 2023 and is expected to complete within 9 months. The study will receive support from a consortium of Study Partners and Observers who have the relevant domain expertise, interest and experience to provide inputs over the course of the project and support the review of the final report. 

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