Propulsion & Future Fuels 2018 kicked off with a keynote session featuring leading voices in the commercial shipping sector; the IMO, MAN Energy Solutions and Wartsila.
Videos of this opening session are now available to view on the conference website, along with many photos of the presentations, networking events and technical visit.
Harry Conway, Vice Chairman, MEPC (Marine Environmental Protection Council), IMO delivered the opening Keynote address and spoke of the need to address the real and urgent threat of global warming, continuing with the opinion that for this to happen the industry would first need to achieve a general consensus on the issue.
Thomas S. Knudsen, Senior Vice President – Head of Two-Stroke Business, MAN Energy Solutions and Stein Thorsager, Segment Sales Director, Merchant & Gas, Wärtsilä Marine Solutions followed Conway with their keynote addresses, reinforcing the message of the need for collaboration across the sector.
View the videos on the website now!
Stay tuned for the release of further videos of the 2018 conference and information regarding PFF 2019 as it is released. For more information don’t hesitate to contact the Events team on +44 1329 825335 or email