First Abate-ready notation for jackup unit


Source: DNV

DNV has awarded the first Abate-Ready notation to a jackup unit. The notation was awarded to Vahana Aryan, the flagship vessel of the Dubai-based Vahana Marine Solutions DMCC. The Abate notation is designed to assist the owners and operators of offshore units to identify and implement measures which can lead to reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

While the IMO is implementing a range of regulations to reduce the carbon intensity of sea-going vessels, offshore installations are not currently covered by the same rules. With stakeholder pressure high, the offshore industry is still seeking greater sustainability at its installations and is keen to explore different ways of achieving this. DNV’s Abate notation helps offshore operators reach these goals by providing a framework for operational and technical GHG abatement measures.

”At Vahana Offshore, we are committed to playing our part in achieving a sustainable future,” said Mr. Narish Nathan, CEO of Vahana Offshore. “We recognize that reducing environmental impact requires collaboration with all stakeholders, and we will work closely with them to prioritize emission control. As part of this effort, we encourage everyone to adopt an “each one, teach one” approach to reduce emissions,” he concluded.

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