US ports win record funding for improvements


Source: Port of Long Beach

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Maritime Administration (MARAD) has announced over US$653 million to fund 41 port improvement projects across the nation under the Port Infrastructure Development Program (PIDP).

The investment underscore the Biden-Harris Administration’s continuing focus on strengthening the country’s ports and supply chains as part of President Biden’s ’Investing in America’ agenda. The investment is also intended to improve their resilience to potential future shocks.

The funding will help grow capacity and increase efficiency at coastal seaports, Great Lakes ports and inland river ports.

A significant portion of domestic and international U.S. commerce by weight, (over 2.3 billion short tons) moves by water. The port improvement projects will strengthen supply chain reliability, create workforce development opportunities, speed up the movement of goods and improve the safety, reliability and resilience of ports.

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