Deal to develop infrastructure for H2-fuelled tugs for Port of Hamburg


Source: Port of Hamburg

Plans to operate the first tugs on hydrogen in the Port of Hamburg took a step forward in October after tug operator Fairplay Towage signed a memorandum of understanding with energy company Mabanaft Group. The MoU commits the two companies to collaborate on the supply of hydrogen to Fairplay’s new tugs in the Port of Hamburg from 2025. 

Fairplay Towage has announced plans to order new tugboats capable of running on hydrogen, which it will add to its fleet in the Port of Hamburg. The new tugs will be commissioned in 2025. 

The agreement relates to the supply of hydrogen for the hydrogen-powered tugs, along with the corresponding infrastructure for bunkering. Mabanaft Group plans to extend the range of marine fuels with hydrogen, and plans to use its tank terminals in Hamburg for this purpose, in order to be able to supply Fairplay Towage with hydrogen. The MoU between Mabanaft and Fairplay Towage marks the start of a long-term strategic cooperation.

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