Ship automation speeds up to make the schedule

The Yara Birkeland

Source: Yara Marine

It has been a rough patch for tech’s true believers. The new inflationary environment has increased the cost of capital, encouraging investors to demand immediate returns. The results have been seen in the technology markets, where even the largest digital businesses have been tightening their belts.

How the changing macro environment will impact expensive technology development in the slower paced maritime market remains to be seen. In the maritime realm, Yara Birkeland, which has been positioned since its delivery as the first autonomous vessel in shipping, still operates with a crew, and is likely to continue doing so at least until the end of this year. “While I can’t claim inside knowledge on this, like most things, once they got there, it is likely more issues were uncovered,” speculated Lloyd’s Register (LR) Principal Specialist Assurance of Autonomy Tony Boylen, in conversation with The Motorship. “I’m sure they are doing high levels of remote operation, it could be 98% hands off, with the only intervention taking place when they decide that they haven’t got some coding right.

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