More Regulation – Page 2

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    ClassNK issues LH2 carrier guidelines


    ClassNK has released new guidelines on managing the risks of transporting liquefied hydrogen

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    Marine insurers issue EV fire guidance


    Research by the International Union of Marine Insurance finds that EV fires are no more frequent than those in ICE vehicles

  • With the new CFP set to take effect on 1 January 2013, commissioner Damanaki pledged to present proposals in the first half of 2011.

    LR updates EU ETS guidance


    LR has updated its guidance for ship owners following the publication of the revised ETS directive and MRV regulation

  • Ascertaining accurate berthing loads forms the backbone of successful mooring aid design

    Amended SOLAS rules to come into force in 2024


    Ship owners and managers should be aware that new SOLAS requirements for towing and mooring equipment will come into force on 1 January 2024. The rules may pose a challenge for ships built before January 2007, Lloyd’s Register warns in an advisory notice.

  • Deep sea mining ii

    The new Klondike


    Regulations need to be in place before prospectors start mining the seabed, writes Patrik Wheater

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    ISA discusses deep-sea mining


    Whether to allow deep-sea mineral mining is on the agenda as the ISA convenes its 28th session

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    Falling container CO2 emissions – dip or trend?


    Container industry carbon emissions are falling but is it too soon to say whether this will be sustained?

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    e-Bunker delivery notes confirmed as acceptable


    The rules around bunker delivery notes have been amended to accept both paper and digital copies provided the requirements in MARPOL Annex VI are met

  • Ice navigation promises to save time, fuel and emissions, but at a probable cost

    New ECA proposals to be submitted at MEPC 81


    Proposals to designate the Canadian Arctic, the North-East Atlantic Ocean and the remaining Norwegian coast not already covered by existing ECAs as Emissions Control Areas are likely to be submitted to the IMO’s next Maritime Environment Protection Committee meeting, MEPC 81.

  • IMO's London headquarters will host discussion on regulating for autonomous vessels as part of this week's Maritime Safety Committee meeting

    ​Revised GHG reduction strategy for global shipping adopted


    The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has adopted a revised strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping.

  • Shorepower

    DNV develops new Shore Power class rules for tankers


    DNV has announced that it introduced new class rules for electrical shore connections specifically tailored for tankers on 1 July 2023. The rules are the first to be introduced by a class society, and are expected to contribute to the development of sector norms.

  • IMO –where several important matters are to be discussed by MEPC64

    Looking ahead at MEPC80


    The 80th meeting of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) at the IMO in London will consider a wide range of important topics.

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    EU proposes to strengthen EMSA’s powers for maritime safety and pollution


    The European Commission has announced a raft of proposals to improve and modernise safety in maritime and reduce pollution.

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    DNV to consult on new VTI index in new Recommended Practice


    DNV has announced that it will launch a Recommended Practice (RP) offering a new, accurate and transparent method for measuring, evaluating, and verifying the technical performance of ships in service. The RP is a direct response to the growing regulatory and commercial pressures within the shipping industry to decarbonise operations and establish a standardised, verifiable procedure for evaluating vessel efficiency.

  • IMO's headquarters will be a hotbed of discussion next week as the seventieth Marine Environment Protection Committee convenes

    Draft ECDIS amendments finalised


    Draft amendments to the ECDIS performance standards to facilitate the digital exchange of route plans have been finalised by the IMO sub-committee on Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue (NCSR). 

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    New EU well-to-wake GHG limits to energy used on board ships from 2025


    The EU’s legislative bodies have reached an agreement on the FuelEU Maritime regulation setting well-to-wake GHG emission intensity requirements on energy used on board from 2025. The regulation will also mandate the use of shore power for container and passenger ships in certain EU ports from 2030.

  • offshore wind

    Herbert-ABS unveils offshore wind design tool


    A new software tool allows architects to meet regulatory requirements when designing floating structures

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    Trading EU Emissions Allowances Could Create Compliance Risks


    The extension of the EU’s Emissions Trading System (ETS) to cover EU shipping from April 2023 will create additional compliance for shipping companies, as Smith Reed’s Brett Hillis explains.

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    IMO decarbonisation study turns focus to alt fuels demand


    A joint study produced by Ricardo-AEA Ltd and DNV on behalf of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) on the readiness and availability of low- and zero-carbon ship technology and marine fuels has concluded that existing commercial, technological and infrastructural barriers to maritime decarbonisation are surmountable.

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    CII and CCS: a quick route to 2050


    Will IMO acknowledge carbon capture’s potential in reducing a ship’s carbon intensity?