More Regulation – Page 9

  • The Green Deal, unveiled by President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, appears to be extending the Euro-ETS to shipping by June 2021

    What does the Green Deal really mean for shipping?


    The Green Deal, unveiled by EC President Ursula von der Leyen, is now on the table, but what are we to make of it? The implications certainly require a considered look, writes Stevie Knight.

  • India plans to ratify the Hong Kong Convention in 2020.

    HKC progresses after Indian move


    The Indian government has announced plans to ratify the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) Hong Kong convention, the treaty for safe and environmentally sound ship recycling.

  • Is shipping on course for market based measures on carbon? Image by sweetreilly0 Pixabay

    To market, to market...


    While there may not be many outward signs, the maritime industry appears to be slowly, though inexorably moving to a global carbon price, writes Stevie Knight.

  • Participants in the kick-off meeting for the pan-industry LASH FIRE study (courtesy of LASH FIRE project group).



    A collaborative research project addressing ro-ro fire safety was implemented in September with European Union financial support, writes David Tinsley.

  • Amendments to the BWM Convention have come into force Photo: IMO

    BWM Convention amendments now in force


    Amendments to the Ballast Water Management (BWM) Convention aimed at preventing the spread of potentially invasive species in ballast water are now in force.

  • ClassNK has joined a working group aimed at reducing emissions from shipping Photo: ClassNK

    ClassNK joins emissions working group


    Classification society, ClassNK, is participating in a working group aimed at reducing CO2 emissions from shipping.

  • PSC inspectors are likely to focus on emergency systems

    PSC inspections focus on emergency systems


    A consortium of Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) will this year carry out a joint concentrated inspection campaign (CIC) on emergency systems and procedures.

  • The US Coast Guard has issued new guidelines on the procedures for the non-availability of compliant fuel Photo: Igor Grochev/

    USCG issues new fuel procedure


    The United States Coast Guard (USCG) has published a new procedure for notification of non-availability of compliant fuel.

  • IMO secretary-general Kitack Lim and Mr. Reinhard Klingen, Director-General Waterways and Shipping in the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure of Germany (credit: IMO)

    Germany ratifies Hong Kong convention


    Germany has become the 13th state to become a party to the International Maritime Organization''s (IMO) Hong Kong convention, the treaty for safe and environmentally sound ship recycling.

  • The ICS has released updated guidelines ahead of the 2020 sulphur cap Photo: ICS

    ICS releases sulphur cap guidelines


    With six months to go until the implementation of the ''Global Sulphur Cap'' the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has issued updated guidance to help shipowners comply with new UN International Maritime Organisation (IMO) regulations.

  • News



    The Paris MoU Committee recently approved the 2018 inspection results and adopted the performance list of Recognized Organizations, which will take effect from 1 July 2019.

  • The MEPC approved various guidance and guidelines to support the implementation of the sulphur 2020 limit from 1 January 2020 at its 74th session last week.

    IMO issues additional guidance on 2020 sulphur implementation


    The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has approved and adopted a comprehensive set of guidance and guidelines to support the consistent implementation of the lower 0.50% limit on sulphur in ships’ fuel oil, which will enter into effect from 1 January 2020. Related draft MARPOL amendments were also approved.

  • The 74th session of the IMO's Marine Environment Protection Committee covered a wide range of topics.

    MEPC pushes forward on shipping emissions reduction


    The IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) delivered a number of measures to support the IMO strategy on reducing greenhouse gas emissions from ships at the MEPC 74 session that met last week.

  • E.R. Tianping

    IHM contract for over 100 vessels


    Verifavia Shipping and the Korean Register (KR) have been contracted by Zeaborn Ship Management to perform Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) preparation and certification for more than 100 vessels.

  • The IMO and Norwegian government have launched the GreenVoyage-2050 project Photo: IMO

    IMO and Norway launch global green project


    The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) and government of Norway have launched a major international project to support the IMO''s strategy for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from shipping.

  • The requirement for national governments to introduce electronic information exchange between ships and ports is mandatory under IMO's Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic (FAL Convention).

    FAL Convention requirement on data exchange enters effect


    A mandatory requirement for national governments to introduce electronic information exchange between ships and ports comes into effect from 8 April 2019.

  • ClassNK has released guidelines helping ship owners comply with the 2020 sulphur cap Photo: ClassNK

    ClassNK releases sulphur cap guidelines


    Classification society ClassNK has developed guidelines to help ship owners comply with the coming sulphur cap in 2020.

  • IMO secretary-general Kitack Lim and Mr. Koji Tsuruoka, ambassador and permanent representative to the IMO (credit: IMO)

    Japan ratifies Hong Kong convention


    Japan has become the tenth state to become a party to the International Maritime Organization''s (IMO) Hong Kong convention, the treaty for safe and environmentally sound ship recycling.

  • Eirik Nyhus: "MEPC 74 is likely to approve the request to open a work item around scrubber discharge regulation"

    IMO “likely” to establish work item on scrubber discharge: DNV GL


    The IMO’s 74th Marine Environment Protection Committee is likely to establish a work item around scrubber discharge regulation but work on the work item will begin at PPR 7 in February 2020, Eirik Nyhus, director of DNV GL’s Environment, Regulatory Affairs in Høvik told a meeting in London on 21 ...

  • Knut Ørbeck-Nilssen: "the recent focus on environmental concerns has stolen some of the focus away from safety." Credit DNV GL

    DNV GL: Reasserting the primacy of safety


    Leading classification society DNV GL’s CEO - Maritime, Knut Ørbeck-Nilssen, stressed the need for maritime safety to be placed at the heart of the industry at an industry event in London on Thursday 21 March, adding that the recent focus on environmental concerns has "stolen some of the focus away ...