Effective safety management through remote monitoring of inert gas systems


Source: Survitec

Amid surging demand for LNG from end-user markets, finding ways to reduce vessel downtime and support LNG tanker crews – especially when it comes to safety - are now more critical than ever, explains Bernt Öhrn, General Manager of Maritime Protection at Survitec.

LNG carrier demand is set to climb further as new liquefaction capacity comes on stream in the US, Qatar and Australia. It is anticipated that with today’s fleet of LNG carriers operating at total capacity, the 300+ new ships joining the fleet are likely to be snapped up as soon as they hit the water.

In the face of unprecedented demand, it is no surprise that ship owners and operators are embracing new solutions and technologies to help manage resources and optimise operations. This is especially important when it comes to safety: effective and efficient management of safety critical systems such as inert gas (IG) systems is crucial.

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