Ballast Water Management
BIO-UV unveils recreational water treatment
BIO-UV Group sets it sights on the cruise and ferry sectors with a UV-based water treatment solution for disinfecting onboard recreational water
Scienco/FAST launches portable BWTS
Scienco/FAST and UniBallast have launched a portable version of the InTank filterless ballast water treatment system
Desmi’s global ballast water treatment services with Eurofins
Desmi and Eurofins Maritime Services partner to provide ballast water treatment services
The true price of a bad separation
How shipowners can save money with correct oily water separator systems
Ballast water: MEPC 81 struggles to deliver clarity
Several years ago, it was thought the ballast water management (BWM) market would experience a boom, rewarding the cutthroat behaviour of many OEMs with a massive influx of orders and a winner-takes-all profit outcome.
BIO-UV BWTS for car carrier trio
A new order for BIO-SEA ballast water treatment systems means BIO-UV Group now supplies around a dozen SIEM-managed reefer vessels
Wind-powered cargo ship sets sail with BIO-UV BWTS
An innovative wind-powered cargo ship has set sail across the Atlantic with a state-of-the-art ballast water treatment system by BIO-UV Group
Several years ago, it was thought the ballast water management (BWM) market would experience a boom, rewarding the cutthroat behaviour of many OEMs with a massive influx of orders and a winner-takes-all profit outcome. But as it stands, the boom has appeared more a protracted trickle, and the regulation surrounding the issue is still in flux. As of the conclusion of MEPC81 in March, a number of important questions had still not been settled.
BIO-UV Group, the manufacturer of the BIO-SEA ballast water management system, has opened a new 1,200m² maritime training, R&D, engineering, and production facility, increasing the footprint of its existing Lunel-based site to 6,400m².
BIO-UV Group to supply BWTS for sailing RoRo
A new wind-powered RoRo cargo vessel will be equipped with BIO-UV Group’s UV BWTS
BIO-UV Group wins major BWTS order
BIO-UV Group has received a major order to supply its BIO-SEA ballast water treatment system to a pair of drill ships
South Korean flag type approval for ERMA FIRST’s BWTS
ERMA FIRST’s full flow electrolysis ballast water treatment system (BWTS) has been awarded type approval by the South Korean flag for its ERMA FIRST FIT BWTS solution.
New filtration solution for Wärtsilä BWMS
Wärtsilä Aquarius UV takes ballast water filtration to ‘the next level’
First engine room BWMS retrofit for Techcross
Techcross, the South Korea-based ballast water management system supplier, has announced that a BWMS has been successfully retrofitted in the engine room of a tanker. Techcross patented the ‘Engine Room Solution’ installation method for BWMS systems in 2016, but the installation represents the first reference for a retrofit installation.
Chaos brewing in ballast water
The 15-year interval between the conception and entry into force of the IMO’s Ballast Water Management Convention left abundant opportunity for invasive organisms to do their nasty work, and despite the sector’s reputation for inertia, some shipowners grew tired of waiting. At the time, they were warned that early adopters of ballast water management (BWM) systems would suffer, having to spend more money to replace their ‘stranded assets’ in a few years’ time.
New ceo for BIO-UV
French water treatment specialist BIO-UV Group has appointed Laurent-Emmanuel Migeon as its new Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, succeeding company founder Benoît Gillmann.
Cyber Security Audits Need To Cover BWMS: BIO-UV
From September 2024, ships with systems that fail to meet IMO and/or US Coast Guard requirements are at risk of detention by Port State Control authorities with serious off -hire implications, berthing delays, charter disruption, and large financial penalties, notes Maxime Dedeurwaerder, BIO-SEA Business Director at BIO-UV Group’s Maritime Division.
BIO-UV Group Reports 31% Rise In BIO-SEA Sales
The France based BIO-UV Group has reported a 31% increase in revenues from its maritime business segment, contributing to full-year consolidated revenues of €51.5m (USD56.1m) for the 2022 financial year.
Techcross announces first unified BWMS control and cold ironing contracts
Techcross, the Korean ballast water management system (BWMS) supplier, has announced that it has concluded orders for two new products as part of its diversification strategy. It has recently concluded a contract for a unified control panel for its BWMS system, permitting vessel personnel to monitor and control the company’s ...
USCG approval for Langh BWMS
Langh Tech BWMS becomes the first UV-based system in the world to receive US Coast Guard type approval for one-way treatment