More Regulation – Page 14

  • News

    Peru inches BWM Convention closer


    Peru has become the 50th member state to ratify the IMO’s Ballast Water Management Convention, taking the treaty even closer to ratification.

  • News

    Belgium and Fiji ratify BWM Convention


    Belgium and Fiji hav become the 48th and 49th IMO member states to ratify the Ballast Water Management (BWM) Convention, with ratifying parties now representing 34.82% of world gross tonnage.

  • News

    US Chamber weighs in on MPN decision


    The Chamber of Shipping of America has responded to the US Coast Guard’s preliminary decision on the MPN sampling method.

  • News

    Annex V amendments impact hold cleaning


    In the wake of new regulations, Wilhelmsen Ships Services (WSS) has warned that bulk owners and operators must pay as much attention to the products used to clean their cargo holds as the holds themselves.

  • IMO's GloBallast partnership trains port state control officers on ballast water sampling and analysis

    VIDEO: IMO offers BWM training in Turkey


    IMO has launched a video showing a practical training exercise for Port State Control on ballast water sampling and analysis.

  • Older tankers may have loading computer systems without the stability features required by the latest amendments to the IBC and IGC codes

    Tanker operators face stability instrument requirements


    Regulations which entered into force in January require tankers to demonstrate compliance with damage stability requirements by carrying a loading computer system (LCS).

  • Even though effective waste water and sewage technologies are on the market now, they might not be available forever.

    The sinking of waste water technology


    Wärtsilä, like a number of other vendors, has put time and money into developing advanced wastewater treatment (AWT) systems. Despite this, the present state of play may simply undermine these advances. Why? Because there is little pressure on the industry to comply.

  • 'Send not to know for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee': IMO urges countries to ratify the BWM Convention even as tonnage verification continues

    Requirement for BWM Convention not met


    The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) has confirmed that the tonnage requirements for the Ballast Water Management (BWM) Convention have not been met.

  • The UNFCCC executive celebrates the Paris Agreement, which makes no mention of measures to reduce carbon emissions from shipping

    Shipping escapes measures in COP21 text


    The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has vowed to continue work towards stronger carbon reduction measures after shipping escaped mention in the ‘Paris Agreement’ forged at COP21 of the United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

  • News

    ClassNK releases draft containership rule amendments


    Classification society ClassNK has released draft amendments to its rules and guidance for containerships.

  • Indonesian minister of transportation Ignasius Jonan, deposited the instrument of acceptance with outgoing IMO secretary general Koji Sekimizu during the general assembly

    BWM Convention reaches ratification target, says IMO


    The Ballast Water Management Convention will come into force on 24 November 2016 if Indonesia''s ratification means that signatories represent the required 35% of global tonnage.

  • Insights from industry stakeholders on the European MRV regulation were discussed during a roundtable chaired by Blue Communications' Alisdair Pettiigrew (third from left) and hosted by Norton Rose Fulbright partner Phillip Roche (second from left)

    MRV: The devil in the detail


    As the European Union regulation on the monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) of CO2 emissions from ships progresses, five stakeholders discuss the challenges ahead.

  • Verifavia is helping five ship owners identify compliance issues ahead of reporting emissions in line with the EU's MRV regulation

    Verifavia helps owners address MRV readiness


    DFDS Seaways, Euronav Ship Management, NEDA Maritime Agency, Seaspan Ship Management and Synergy Maritime have appointed emissions verification specialist Verifavia Shipping to perform pre-verification gap analyses of the companies’ compliance with the EU’s new MRV regulations.

  • News

    Interferry heads MRV ro-pax metrics group


    Trade association Interferry is leading a correspondence group tasked with recommending sector-specific metrics for ro-pax vessels under EU legislation on the monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) of carbon dioxide emissions from ships.

  • The guideline aims to raise the awareness of the risks of liquefaction

    DNV GL tackles cargo liquefaction threat


    Class society DNV GL has published design and operational guidelines to tackle what it argues is the "most significant factor in lives lost at sea" for bulk carriers.

  • News

    DNV GL hails launch of new rules


    Efficient, flexible and future proof: Class society DNV GL believes its new rules, published today and coming into effect on 1 January 2016, set a new industry benchmark.

  • DNV GL’s new set of rules combines the two existing rule sets in a way that allows for future novel designs

    Class rules harmonised for efficiency


    Bill Thomson explores the major themes behind the forthcoming publication of integrated class rules from DNV GL, as the class society updates and streamlines the guidance of its two pre-merger predecessors.

  • News

    IMAREM to launch MRV shipping programme


    Energy and emissions monitoring expert, IMAREM, has introduced a new MRV programme offering a complete solution to the new EU requirements regarding monitoring, reporting and verification of vessels’ carbon emissions.

  • News

    Biofuel regulations threaten tanker productivity


    A spot survey of product tankers has revealed that few are prepared for impending regulations on the monitoring of biofuel discharge, according to Rivertrace Engineering.

  • News

    IHO updates ECDIS standards


    The International Hydrographic Organisation (IHO) has reviewed and updated some of its ECDIS Standards to reflect lessons learned from earlier reports of unexpected chart behaviour in some ECDIS.